As a subsidiary of Glencore, CTSCo seeks to manage and minimise our impact on the environment, wherever we operate.
Our key project drivers are:
- providing support for low emission technology in Australia
- proving the potential for large-scale CO2 storage capacity in Queensland and Australia
- forming a foundation for an industrial scale CO2 storage hub in Queensland
- helping to support large-scale hydrogen production to reduce CO2 emissions.
The CTSCo Project is consistent with Glencore's global climate change commitments.
Glencore has set ambitious emission reduction goals and aims to be a net zero total emissions company by 2050. Meeting the global energy demand of a growing global population while simultaneously reducing emissions is a key challenge.
We support a technology-neutral approach to address this challenge. Our belief is that all viable low emission technologies will be required if we are to achieve global climate change goals.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the International Energy Agency (IEA) analysis identifies CCS as an essential technology to support the delivery of the goals of the Paris Agreement.
The IEA notes that the more stringent climate targets are driving greater interest in mitigation options, including CCS, which deliver emissions reductions in hard to abate but essential industries. *
We have been a long-term supporter of CCUS technology to reduce emissions from fossil fuels and as an important bridge to the development of a low carbon economy.
* Source: IEA
Glencore responsibly sources the commodities that advance everyday life. Our diverse portfolio of commodities allows us to meet the energy needs of today while also providing the means to transition to low carbon future.
Our business produces the ‘green’ metals that will be required for a low carbon future: copper, zinc, nickel, cobalt and vanadium. Our sector leading coal business will continue to meet ongoing energy demands but will deplete over time.
Our ambition is to become a net zero total emission business by 2050. We have also set a short term 15% total emissions reduction target by 2026 and medium term 50% total emissions reduction target by 2035.
Learn more about Glencore's climate change commitments.
CTSCo is seeking to progress to the next feasibility assessment stage by conducting CO2 injection testing into the Precipice Sandstone in the southern part of the Surat Basin.
Under EPQ10, CTSCo has conducted several exploration and appraisal activities, successfully drilling wells to a depth of 2.7 kilometres. Studies have identified that the site is suitable for injection testing.
The current Environmental Authority (EA) issued to CTSCo by the Queensland Government authorises greenhouse gas (GHG) exploration in the form of exploration drilling and associated activities, but does not authorise the injection of CO2. CTSCo is therefore seeking amendment to the existing EA to authorise injection testing of CO2.
To amend the EA, and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been prepared, including data collected from the exploration and appraisal activities, and studies on:
Successful injection testing of CO2 storage is a crucial prerequisite for future large-scale industrial CO2 geological storage. Further regulatory approvals will be required before proceeding to this next phase.
We are committed to working closely with local communities to fully investigate the potential economic, environmental, social and cultural implications of the proposed project.
Like any major infrastructure project, the CTSCo Project will be subject to a range of assessments and approvals including environmental, social and technical components under Local, State and Commonwealth Government regulations.
Our Stakeholder Engagement Strategy builds on key learnings from a number of CCS projects within Australia and overseas. We have applied these learnings to help shape an engagement program that is appropriate and relevant to both the local community and project stakeholders.
CTSCo has proactively engaged with the regional community in the Surat Basin, as well as relevant non-government organisations and industry bodies.
The CTSCo Project is subject to a range of assessments and approvals under Local, State and Commonwealth Government regulations. We are committed to working closely with local communities to consider the potential economic, environmental, social and cultural impacts of the project.
CTSCo’s current community and stakeholder engagement is informed by key learnings from numerous CCS projects within Australia and overseas. We have also considered the insights and feedback from CTSCo’s EPQ7, near Wandoan. We have applied these learnings to our local community and stakeholder engagement program in EPQ10.
Our community engagement program is based on the AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement and the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) principles of stakeholder engagement.
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